Caracciolo, Luca

Dr. Luca Caracciolo

Akademischer Mitarbeiter

Lehrstuhl für Geologie
GeoZentrum Nordbayern

Schlossgarten 5
91054 Erlangen


My research is focused on the application of a wide spectrum of Provenance analysis techniques applied to basin analysis, particularly on the relationships between tectonic and sedimentation. Most relevant analytical approaches and research interests are Quantitative sedimentary provenance analysis; Sedimentary petrology and heavy minerals, detrital geochemistry, sedimentary processes (weathering / recycling, sorting and volcaniclastic sedimentation) diagenesis (cementation chronology, pore-water interaction, thermal history), Low temperature thermochronology (Fission tracks and U/Th/He dating). I’m keen at using and integrating state of the art techniques – e.g. Raman and QemScan – and model compositional data to link sediment mineralogy to sedimentary processes.

The most exciting and challenging aspect of my researach is to use provenance and sediment composition in different fields, especially those related to the O&G and geothermal industry for enhanced interpretation of facies hetherogeneity, reservoir connectivity, diagenetic environments and their influence on fluid migration . Combining both academic and industry experience, I had the chance to work and publish in areas distributed in all continents including Europe, North and South America, Africa, SE Asia, Australia and New Zealand. I’m actively involved in industry projects and training of professionals from the O&G industry.

School on Sandstone Diagenesis

Information about the School on Sandstone Diagenesis can be found here.

  • Environmental Signals Propagation in Sediment Routing Systems across the Permian-Triassic Boundary.

    (Drittmittelfinanzierte Einzelförderung)

    Laufzeit: 1. März 2022 - 28. Februar 2025
    Mittelgeber: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

    Two of the biggest challenges in sedimentary geology are (i) the identification of tectonic and climatic perturbations – particularly in relation to down-system propagation in both modern deep-time sedimentary systems, and (ii) the reconstruction of paleo-sediment fluxes in ancient Sediment Routing Systems (SRS) (Caracciolo, 2020). Tectonic and climatic forcings perturbate the steady state of geological landscapes which in turn adapt to the increase/decrease of erosion rates, water discharge, sediment flux, downstream sedimentfining, and sediment partitioning. Furthermore, lithological controls (e.g. how different lithologies react to weathering and sediment production) are commonly overlooked or oversimplified, hence, the calculation of sediment flux in deep-time is often imprecise. Key information relevant to the reconstruction of ancient SRS can be extracted from mineralogy and compositional signatures of sediments. Detrital provenance signatures are possibly the most reliable tool in deep-time research as they faithfully record the provenance of source lithologies. While post-depositional overprinting can destroy pristine, compositionally diagnostic signatures (e.g. mineral dissolution during weathering and/or diagenesis), complete destruction of the compositional signature is unlikely (Caracciolo, 2020, Caracciolo et al., 2020; Chew et al, 2020).

    The Permian-Triassic transition is of general interest since it witnessed the most devastating mass extinction in the Phanerozoic (Erwin, 1994; Hallam and Wignall, 1997). About 95% of marine species and 75% of terrestrial species, both plants and animals went extinct.The general models for continental sedimentation converge towards increasing aridity from the Permian to the Early Triassic, with potential increase of sediment flux being related to (i) increase of precipitations in the catchment area, or (ii) increased runoff due to the lack of vegetation (Ward et al., 2000; Newell et al., 2011; Bourquin et al., 2011; Wilson et al., 2019; Zhu et al., 2020). However, several studies suggested that global warming across the P-T transition (Joachimski et al. 2012, 2020) greatly enhanced continental weathering thus providing more nutrients to the ocean. Excessive nutrients are assumed to have stimulated primary productivity, leading to widely observed anoxia-euxinia in Early Triassic oceans (Algeo et al., 2010; Algeo et al., 2011).The implications from proving and especially quantifying an increase in sediment flux are important. Firstly, because the PTB is one of the most critical time intervals in Earth history, and the interplay of tectonics, climate, and changes in the sediment flux are currently poorly understood. Secondly, enhanced silicate weathering could have effectively contributed to the sequestration of atmospheric CO2 emitted by Siberian Trap volcanism instead climate regulation by silicate weathering may have failed in case of no major change in weathering and extensive volcanic degassing (see Kump, 2018).

    The main aims of the project are to (i) establish a reliable methodology integrating paleodrainage, cosmogenic nuclides, and Quantitative Provenance Analysis to constrain the evolution of SRS in deep-time, (ii) quantify erosion rates and sediment flux and disentangle the role of tectonics, climate, and drainage lithologies on the generation and transfer of sediments across the PTB, (iii) prove/disprove the climate regulation through silicate weathering across the PTB. In this project, a systematic approach to quantify landscape modifications to climatic and tectonic perturbations, and the correspondent variations in sediment flux is proposed.

  • Allogene Kontrolle der Sedimenterzeugung und der Erosionsraten im höchsten Küstengebiet der Erde: die Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Nordost Kolumbien)

    (Drittmittelfinanzierte Einzelförderung)

    Laufzeit: 1. Januar 2020 - 31. Dezember 2021
    Mittelgeber: DFG-Einzelförderung / Sachbeihilfe (EIN-SBH)
  • Rapide Versenkung eines trockenen Sandsteins – die besondere kompaktionsdominierte Diagenese der Twyfelfontein Formation, NW Namibia

    (Drittmittelfinanzierte Einzelförderung)

    Laufzeit: 1. Oktober 2019 - 30. September 2022
    Mittelgeber: DFG-Einzelförderung / Sachbeihilfe (EIN-SBH)
  • Geothermal energy for megacities: phase 1, Bogota

    (Drittmittelfinanzierte Einzelförderung)

    Laufzeit: 1. Januar 2019 - 31. Dezember 2021
    Mittelgeber: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
  • Geothermisches Potenzial in Nord-Kolumbien und Süd-Peru, Aufbau einer Kooperation mit Universitäten und Entwicklung eines Studentenaustauschprogramms

    (Drittmittelfinanzierte Einzelförderung)

    Laufzeit: 1. Januar 2018 - 31. August 2018
    Mittelgeber: Bayerische Forschungsallianz (BayFOR)
  • Masterstudiengang "GeoThermie/GeoEnergie"

    (Drittmittelfinanzierte Gruppenförderung – Teilprojekt)

    Titel des Gesamtprojektes: Geothermie-Allianz Bayern (GAB)
    Laufzeit: 1. Januar 2016 - 31. Dezember 2021
    Mittelgeber: Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Bildung und Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst (ab 10/2013)

    In Bayern gibt es bisher keinen Studiengang, der auf Geothermie/Geoenergieressourcen fokussiert ist und relevante Lehrinhalte ganzheitlich - von der Aufsuchung und Erschließung bis zur energetischen Nutzung und Speicherung der Ressource - an Studierende vermittelt. Die an den beiden Standorten TU München und FAU Erlangen vorhandenen Lehr- und Forschungskompetenzen sollen durch die Einrichtung eines in der Verantwortung der FAU liegenden interdisziplinären Master-Studiengangs "GeoThermie/GeoEnergie" zusammengeführt und und inhaltlich ergänzt werden. Dies erfordert einen personellen Ausbau der Fachrichtungen I) Seismische Interpretation & Untergrund-Modellierung und II) Reservoirgeologie & Geohydraulik.
    Für den Master-Studiengang "GeoThermie/GeoEnergie" wird ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz angestrebt:
    Neben der geowissenschaftlichen Komponente soll auch die technische Erschließung
    und energietechnische Nutzung von geothermischen Reservoiren, ergänzt durch energiewirtschaftliche
    und berg-/umweltrechtliche Aspekte behandelt werden. Somit kann den Studierenden
    sowohl das angestrebte ganzheitliche Systemverständnis als auch das einem modernen
    Anforderungsprofil der Energiewirtschaft entsprechende Methodenspektrum vermittelt werden.
    Die den Studierenden vermittelten Methoden sind jedoch keinesfalls nur auf Anwendungen in
    der Geothermie beschränkt, sondern auch auf sehr viele andere, das Verständnis des tieferen
    geologischen Untergrunds betreffende Fragestellungen (z.B. Gas-, Fluid- und
    Wärmespeicherung) direkt übertragbar.

  • Late Cretaceous to Recent post-breakup evolution of the African S-Atlantic margin: integrating onshore field studies; sequence development, offshore seismic data, numerical dating and modelling

    (Drittmittelfinanzierte Gruppenförderung – Teilprojekt)

    Titel des Gesamtprojektes: SPP 1375: SAMPLE: South Atlantic Margin Processes and Links with onshore Evolution
    Laufzeit: 1. November 2008 - 31. Juli 2017
    Mittelgeber: DFG / Schwerpunktprogramm (SPP)

    Multiple phases of volcanism, uplift and subsidence are recorded after the breakup of the Namibian South Atlantic margin segment – features which are regarded as atypical when compared to published examples of other post-breakup continental margin successions. It is currently not understood whether these geodynamic processes are only of regional or a broader, South Atlantic intercontinental importance. Existing low T thermochronometric analyses, cosmogenic isotope measurements on bedrock surfaces and tectonic and stratigraphic analysis of the post-breakup succession could be advantageously completed and calibrated by (A) the interpretation of offshore industrial seismic and well log data (uppermost 2s TWT) and (B) the analysis of onshore sedimentary archives such as post-breakup fluvial depositional sequences, marine terraces, aeolianites, palaeo-seacliffs, incised valleys and syntectonic strata in the hanging-walls of normal faults. Both, onshore and offshore strata provide a high-resolution archive of processes accompanying the breakup and post-breakup evolution of the South Atlantic margin. Many of the coastal marine terraces contain dateable material suitable for biostratigraphic analysis combined with ESR and OSL dating. Offshore seismic structural and stratigraphic analysis and well data will be integrated with a detailed 3D stratigraphic and structural analysis as well as dynamic retro- and forward modelling which forms the basis for a combined 3D onshore-offshore surface-subsurface model.